An epic hero is a larger than life figure from a history or legend, usually favored by or even partially descended from deities, but aligned more closely with mortal figures in popular portrayals. They usually embody cultural and religious beliefs of the people. Most heros go in a journey or a type of quest. It illustrates traits and deeds. Gilgamesh was the 5th king of Uruk according to the Sumerian kinglist. He is the central character in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the greatest surviving work of Mesopotamian literature.
"there sight would of frightened any ordinary man". An epic hero is courageous and puts the well being of other people first. They are noble and brave and will do anything for his beliefs. The epic hero character is usually a male. They are also usually the main character of a story. Jimmy strong
An epic hero is brave, he puts others first, hes corageous, usually male, and main character of the story, and not afraid of anything. "there sight would of frightened any ordinary man" ~kwhth3
An epic hero is courageous, determined, strong willed, well known, honorable, brave, liked and disliked. An epic hero puts someone first. Epic hero's are usually the main characters of the story and they go on a journey. Gilgamesh is the epic hero of the story he is going to look for the immortal person. Gilgamesh is focused on what he wants and he wont give up even if he is worn out. "There sight would of frightened any ordinary man". -Cassaundra Uhland
"There sight would of frightened any ordinary man." This quote resembles bravery. It also shows that he is courageous, and determined. Gigamesh is the epic hero of this story because he is going on a journey to find immortality. He keeps moving forward even though everyone tells him that it is an impossible journey, and he should just turn away now. tori mathias
"There sight would frightened any ordinary man." The epic hero has to be strong and couragous. Also while being strong willed and even self ruled. For example, in gilgamesh the scorpian guards warn him about the passage way and how dark it is. Even though they warned him the sight looked a simple task to gilgamesh. This ties into couragous too. Some men would never attempt a task like this.
An epic hero is someone who risks their life to help and/or save others. They are brave, courageous, and are afraid of very little. This fear does not prevent them from completing their quest however, but only shows that they are still human."Only two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human." In the case of "Gilgamesh" he is searching for his ancestor to achieve immortality for he is afraid of death. He uses all of the characteristics previously stated to complete his journey.
My characteristics for a epic hero is, Brave, dependent, strong, determined and headstrong. Gilgamesh is the epic hero because he has all of thos traits.Gilgamesh proves to be brave throughout his journey and thats why he is able to carry on with his quest. "Take and read out from the lapis lazuli tablet how Gilgamesh went through every hardship. Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance, he is the hero, born of Uruk, the goring wild bull". This quote from the story supports that Gilgamesh has gone through tough task and turns out to be more supreme then any other king and he is in fact the hero.
"There sight would frightened any ordinary man" This quote shows the traits of a epic hero. A epic her is someone who is courage,has super human strenght,ethical,responsible, and so on. This quotes shows this about gilgamesh because he was brave enough and strong enough to do something that would scary any ordinary man showing he is something special. Gilgamesh shows all the things needed for a epic hero but it still puzzels me why he wants to live forever. What he needs to learn to be truly happy is to live life to the3 fullest with the time we have left. Instead he worries about the future but he does show he is a true epic hero.
the characteristics of an epic hero are varied to the pat or present of the hero. For example,Gilgamesh has had a very crusual loss of a loved one, the loss of his friend sends him on the jounery of the story. Gilgamesh is very brave, he has traveled to the twin peaks to seek immortality."ever lasting life, is not ment for humans, only the gods." He wants to find eternal life, but in order for him to understand it, he has to find someone who contains immortality. Gilgamesh is very determained.
There are many characteristics of an epic hero. In this story Gilgamesh is a very strong and brave man. "There sight would frightened any ordinary man." This shows how his super human strength overcame the obstacles of the quest. He wanted to find the man who was immortal and he acheives this through all his adventurous characteristics. -karly
"there sight would of frightened any ordinary man" An epic hero is praised and well versed everyone hears about him and his presence puts fear hence the quote. but an epic hero is still human and the loss of Enkidu shook him which is why he goes on a quest to find eternal life because the thought of death shakes him which is why he is so persistent and daring in his attempts. In a moment where he is stricken with fear he still fights and goes to the ends of the earth to succeed in his quest.
"There sight would frightened any ordinary man." this quote shows a main characteristic in a epic hero, bravery. a epic hero is someone who is honorable, brave, honest, strong willed, self ruled, head strong, determined, glorified, on a quest, noble, super human, ethical, and most of all risks death for the greater good of the people or whoever he might be saving.
A epic hero is a person is someone who is at a high social position and listens to his people and fights for what he thinks is right. He is very brave, determined, and persistent. GIlgamesh is very strong and brave, he has abnormal super human strength. Most epic heros like Gilgamesh is part god "He is two parts devine and one man"
An epic hero can show many different characteristics. They are usually determined, adventurous, and brave. Because of this they are said to be somewhat of a god. "two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human." in the story of Gilgamesh, we find out how committed and determined he is to find utnapishtim. He travels through dangerous courses but is so daring and adventurous he does not care the consequences. Gilgamesh is a prime example of an epic hero. - Chelsea simpkins.
An epic hero usually exhibits certain traits such as brave, daring, determined, strong-willed and overcomes several obstacles to achieve his goal. A hero also does good deeds for the community and people. In the epic Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh himself has several similar traits. He takes on a long journey of finding immortality and despite of all the danger and hardships, he continues on and never wants to settle down unless his goal is accomplished. He is very headstrong, committed, and action-driven. He is also seen as half human, half god and has such supernatural qualities. An example from the book would be: "'I must find Utnapishtim,'/ whom men call 'The Distant One.' I must ask him/ How he managed to overcome death./ I have wondered the world, climbed the most treacherous/ mountains, crossed deserts, sailed the vast ocean, and sweet sleep has already softened my face." The quote shows his determination, hard work and hardships overcame through the journey.
There are many characteristics to an epic hero. Such as bravery, honest, and a leader. Epic heroes are also ethical, self ruled, and glorified. They also risk there lives to save others. Gilgamesh is very headstrong and has set out on a quest. "They(Gilgamesh and the tavern keeper) sailed, without stopping, for three days and nights, a six weeks' journey for ordinary men." TYLER DAWSON
An epic hero can be view many ways. The main characteristics are Determined, Brave, they are not afraid to sacrifice something to reach their goal. Epic heros are intelligent and also they go on quests. Most of the time they are glorified. "2/3 God and 1/3 Human". In Gilgamesh, he is looked at as 2/3 God 1/3 human because no one would ever survive the things he has faced. Dana
"There sight frighened any ordinary man". There are so many characteristics of an epic hero. Gilgamesh had a lot of them. He was brave, confident, strong, determined, strong willed, etc. With all of these characteristics he conquered what he needed to.
An epic hero is courageous. Epic heroes are usually male, brave and are always on a quest. They have superhuman like strength and are well above the normal abilities of a normal human. "There sight would frightened any ordinary man". Epic heroes are able to withstand much more than a normal person and are also much stronger than normal humans as well. They're also willing to risk their lives for the greater good and for others.
An epic hero risks their life for the greater good. They are such things as brave,courageous,strong willed, and super human. Gilgamesh is an example of all these things. "Only two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human." Another characteristic is an epic hero is on a quest. Gilgamesh also represents this because he is on a quest for immortality.
"He is two parts devine and one man" An epic hero has many traits. Brave, courageous, strong-willed, super human, honest, determind, and adventerous. Gilgamesh has all of these traits. In the story he is doing things that are nearly impossible for other humans. But since he has these traits he can get through any of them. In the story they explain how he is 2/3 God and 1/3 Human. He has everything it takes to be an epic hero
A epic hero has many characterstics or traits. Usually the epic hero is a strong courageous male on a journey to complete is destination. He is very determined and is very intelligent and take high risk while he adventure his journey."Study the brickwork, study the fortification,climb the ancient staircase to the terrace" VC
"there sight would of frightened any ordinary man." gilgamesh is a prime example example of an epic hero. he goes on a perilous journey that most would never dare to do and he obtains the power that he wanted. when we think of a super hero, the obvious come to mind like superman, batman etc. an epic hero doesnt always have to be the one who flies around in spandex, saves the world and gets the girl. an epic hero has nobel qualities and seeks betterment for the world.
Gilgamesh is an example of an epic hero in many ways. One example is many epic heroes are usually on a quest. Gilgamesh is on a quest for immorality. He is also adventurous, daring, brave, and courageous for going through all that he has to earn immorality. Another characteristic of an epic hero that Gilgamesh has is being better then others, "They sailed, without stopping, for three days and nights, a six weeks' journey for ordinary men,", this quote shows how he can complete tasks faster then others can. He has proven throughout the story that he is a true epic hero.
An epic hero is a strong and courtious, very strong willed. "study the brickwork, study the fortification, climb the ancient staircase to the terrace".-Jeff Ritter
A hero is made by the actions taken from his heart. Not all heroes are the same though, some try to better the world or better themselves. As in Gilgamesh, I believe that he obtains both of these qualities. He is the ruler Uruk and takes care of those in the city, at the same time he goes on quests to quench his own desires. The quote "there sight would of frightened any ordinary man" has given the impression that Gilgamesh is a hero that has the qualities of brave, intelligent, and determined to go through his quests. Gilgamesh is the example for what an epic hero is, and what they have been throughout time.
There are many characteristics of an epic hero. They can me brave, head strong, self ruled, and coragous. Gilgamesh shows all of these traits. He is not frightened by things that any normal human would run away from. "There sight frightened any ordinary man." Taylor Morgan
"Only two thirds of him is a god, one third is human". This shows that he is of superhuman ability and a glorified person. Both are characteristics of an epic hero. Also, an epic hero must go on a quest. The whole story of Gilgamesh is about his journey to the gods to find imortality. He must not be intimidated by death. This is shown by his easy will to cross the Waters of Death. An epic hero must be a person with courage. Going through the Two Peaks and the Tunel that the sun can kill him took courage. Gilgamesh is an epic hero by these standards.
Some characteristics of an epic hero are strong, determined, godlike, super natural and strong willed. All epic heros go through hardships and put the good of society before the good of themselves. For example, Gilgamesh possess some of theses traits such as when he crosses the vast ocean where there has not "been any human who was able to cross it." This quote supports that Gilgamesh has super natural strengths and has an unordinary toughness. Also Gilgamesh conquered a task that no mortal has ever completed which was the long tretcherous journey to the Twin Peaks. Both of these examples show how Gilgamesh is an epic hero who completes tasks that are an ordinary person is incapable of.
A epic hero is tough smart and strong. Gilgamesh is a eaxmple of a epic hero. "He is two parts devine and one man" He goes on a long journey thats imposible for humans. Epic heros are usally guys who put there life on the line for others. With these charachterisics he concurred what he need to do.
The characteristics of an epic hero is someone who is brave and is willing to risk his or her life to save other people. They're courageous and have integrity. They are commited to whatever quest they're taking on. They put other people before themselves and aren't scared to take on any challenges. "He is two parts devine and one man", is a quote used in the story, Gilgamesh. This shows the strength of Gilgamesh. -Marina Parkinson
"There sight would have frightened any ordinary man." This quote is a great example of an epic hero. With being an epic hero, there come characteristics. The ones I see most important are brave, strong, daring, and have superhuman powers. All of these traits Gilgamesh displayed. Gilgamesh had to go threw great lengths to try to discover immortality. Though he never got it, threw the quest he showed that he is an epic hero. -Sabrina Necelis
An epic hero can have many different characteristics. For example they can be brave, adventurous and even god like. " two thirds of him was god one third was human." other characteristics include, strong smart and determined. Gilga mesh was definitely determined on making it to utnapishtim because he went on a huge quest to find him. Although here don't find out whether or not he gets immortality. Nevertheless Gilgamesh greatly depicts an epic hero
"There sight would of frightened any ordinary man" this means that any normal man would be frightened but not Gilamesh. Some of the epic hero traits are being noble, brave and courageous. Epic heroes need these traits because it aids them in their quest. Some other traits are them being honest and also having super human strength. Also in the story Gilamesh he is called "two thirds divine and one third human". Lastly, they are always risking their lives for the good of the people or for themselves.
Gilgamesh has many qualities of an epic hero. "There were two scorpion guards, a man and a woman, guarding the entrance to the two peaks mountains." Gilgamesh is not your ordinary epic hero. He is very brave because he is able to walk past the two scorpion guards guarding the entrance to the twin peaks mountains. He has determination to seek betterment for the world by going on a quest to find the plant of eternal life. He is very honorable because he goes and finally finds the plant of eternal life down in the deep depths of the ocean.-Kristian Mcniss period 3
there are many characteristics of an epic hero. one is brave. like how he went on the epic journey even though he was afraid of death. another one is god like. giglamesh learned the way of immortality wich is godlike." two thirds of him was god one third was human." Jake Smith
ReplyDeleteAn epic hero is a larger than life figure from a history or legend, usually favored by or even partially descended from deities, but aligned more closely with mortal figures in popular portrayals. They usually embody cultural and religious beliefs of the people. Most heros go in a journey or a type of quest. It illustrates traits and deeds. Gilgamesh was the 5th king of Uruk according to the Sumerian kinglist. He is the central character in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the greatest surviving work of Mesopotamian literature.
"there sight would of frightened any ordinary man". An epic hero is courageous and puts the well being of other people first. They are noble and brave and will do anything for his beliefs. The epic hero character is usually a male. They are also usually the main character of a story.
ReplyDeleteJimmy strong
An epic hero is brave, he puts others first, hes corageous, usually male, and main character of the story, and not afraid of anything. "there sight would of frightened any ordinary man"
An epic hero is courageous, determined, strong willed, well known, honorable, brave, liked and disliked. An epic hero puts someone first. Epic hero's are usually the main characters of the story and they go on a journey. Gilgamesh is the epic hero of the story he is going to look for the immortal person. Gilgamesh is focused on what he wants and he wont give up even if he is worn out. "There sight would of frightened any ordinary man".
ReplyDelete-Cassaundra Uhland
"There sight would of frightened any ordinary man." This quote resembles bravery. It also shows that he is courageous, and determined. Gigamesh is the epic hero of this story because he is going on a journey to find immortality. He keeps moving forward even though everyone tells him that it is an impossible journey, and he should just turn away now.
ReplyDeletetori mathias
"There sight would frightened any ordinary man." The epic hero has to be strong and couragous. Also while being strong willed and even self ruled. For example, in gilgamesh the scorpian guards warn him about the passage way and how dark it is. Even though they warned him the sight looked a simple task to gilgamesh. This ties into couragous too. Some men would never attempt a task like this.
ReplyDeleteAn epic hero is someone who risks their life to help and/or save others. They are brave, courageous, and are afraid of very little. This fear does not prevent them from completing their quest however, but only shows that they are still human."Only two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human." In the case of "Gilgamesh" he is searching for his ancestor to achieve immortality for he is afraid of death. He uses all of the characteristics previously stated to complete his journey.
ReplyDeleteMy characteristics for a epic hero is, Brave, dependent, strong, determined and headstrong. Gilgamesh is the epic hero because he has all of thos traits.Gilgamesh proves to be brave throughout his journey and thats why he is able to carry on with his quest.
ReplyDelete"Take and read out from the lapis lazuli tablet
how Gilgamesh went through every hardship.
Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance,
he is the hero, born of Uruk, the goring wild bull". This quote from the story supports that Gilgamesh has gone through tough task and turns out to be more supreme then any other king and he is in fact the hero.
-Spencer Shepard
"There sight would frightened any ordinary man" This quote shows the traits of a epic hero. A epic her is someone who is courage,has super human strenght,ethical,responsible, and so on. This quotes shows this about gilgamesh because he was brave enough and strong enough to do something that would scary any ordinary man showing he is something special. Gilgamesh shows all the things needed for a epic hero but it still puzzels me why he wants to live forever. What he needs to learn to be truly happy is to live life to the3 fullest with the time we have left. Instead he worries about the future but he does show he is a true epic hero.
ReplyDeletethe characteristics of an epic hero are varied to the pat or present of the hero. For example,Gilgamesh has had a very crusual loss of a loved one, the loss of his friend sends him on the jounery of the story. Gilgamesh is very brave, he has traveled to the twin peaks to seek immortality."ever lasting life, is not ment for humans, only the gods." He wants to find eternal life, but in order for him to understand it, he has to find someone who contains immortality. Gilgamesh is very determained.
ReplyDeleteThere are many characteristics of an epic hero. In this story Gilgamesh is a very strong and brave man. "There sight would frightened any ordinary man." This shows how his super human strength overcame the obstacles of the quest. He wanted to find the man who was immortal and he acheives this through all his adventurous characteristics.
"there sight would of frightened any ordinary man" An epic hero is praised and well versed everyone hears about him and his presence puts fear hence the quote. but an epic hero is still human and the loss of Enkidu shook him which is why he goes on a quest to find eternal life because the thought of death shakes him which is why he is so persistent and daring in his attempts. In a moment where he is stricken with fear he still fights and goes to the ends of the earth to succeed in his quest.
ReplyDelete"There sight would frightened any ordinary man." this quote shows a main characteristic in a epic hero, bravery. a epic hero is someone who is honorable, brave, honest, strong willed, self ruled, head strong, determined, glorified, on a quest, noble, super human, ethical, and most of all risks death for the greater good of the people or whoever he might be saving.
ReplyDeleteA epic hero is a person is someone who is at a high social position and listens to his people and fights for what he thinks is right. He is very brave, determined, and persistent. GIlgamesh is very strong and brave, he has abnormal super human strength. Most epic heros like Gilgamesh is part god "He is two parts devine and one man"
ReplyDeleteAn epic hero can show many different characteristics. They are usually determined, adventurous, and brave. Because of this they are said to be somewhat of a god. "two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human." in the story of Gilgamesh, we find out how committed and determined he is to find utnapishtim. He travels through dangerous courses but is so daring and adventurous he does not care the consequences. Gilgamesh is a prime example of an epic hero.
ReplyDelete- Chelsea simpkins.
An epic hero usually exhibits certain traits such as brave, daring, determined, strong-willed and overcomes several obstacles to achieve his goal. A hero also does good deeds for the community and people. In the epic Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh himself has several similar traits. He takes on a long journey of finding immortality and despite of all the danger and hardships, he continues on and never wants to settle down unless his goal is accomplished. He is very headstrong, committed, and action-driven. He is also seen as half human, half god and has such supernatural qualities. An example from the book would be: "'I must find Utnapishtim,'/ whom men call 'The Distant One.' I must ask him/ How he managed to overcome death./ I have wondered the world, climbed the most treacherous/ mountains, crossed deserts, sailed the vast ocean, and sweet sleep has already softened my face." The quote shows his determination, hard work and hardships overcame through the journey.
ReplyDeleteThere are many characteristics to an epic hero. Such as bravery, honest, and a leader. Epic heroes are also ethical, self ruled, and glorified. They also risk there lives to save others. Gilgamesh is very headstrong and has set out on a quest. "They(Gilgamesh and the tavern keeper) sailed, without stopping, for three days and nights, a six weeks' journey for ordinary men."
An epic hero can be view many ways. The main characteristics are Determined, Brave, they are not afraid to sacrifice something to reach their goal. Epic heros are intelligent and also they go on quests. Most of the time they are glorified. "2/3 God and 1/3 Human". In Gilgamesh, he is looked at as 2/3 God 1/3 human because no one would ever survive the things he has faced.
"There sight frighened any ordinary man". There are so many characteristics of an epic hero. Gilgamesh had a lot of them. He was brave, confident, strong, determined, strong willed, etc. With all of these characteristics he conquered what he needed to.
ReplyDeleteAn epic hero is courageous. Epic heroes are usually male, brave and are always on a quest. They have superhuman like strength and are well above the normal abilities of a normal human. "There sight would frightened any ordinary man". Epic heroes are able to withstand much more than a normal person and are also much stronger than normal humans as well. They're also willing to risk their lives for the greater good and for others.
ReplyDeleteAn epic hero risks their life for the greater good. They are such things as brave,courageous,strong willed, and super human. Gilgamesh is an example of all these things. "Only two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human." Another characteristic is an epic hero is on a quest. Gilgamesh also represents this because he is on a quest for immortality.
ReplyDelete"He is two parts devine and one man" An epic hero has many traits. Brave, courageous, strong-willed, super human, honest, determind, and adventerous. Gilgamesh has all of these traits. In the story he is doing things that are nearly impossible for other humans. But since he has these traits he can get through any of them. In the story they explain how he is 2/3 God and 1/3 Human. He has everything it takes to be an epic hero
ReplyDeleteA epic hero has many characterstics or traits. Usually the epic hero is a strong courageous male on a journey to complete is destination. He is very determined and is very intelligent and take high risk while he adventure his journey."Study the brickwork, study the fortification,climb the ancient staircase to the terrace"
"there sight would of frightened any ordinary man." gilgamesh is a prime example example of an epic hero. he goes on a perilous journey that most would never dare to do and he obtains the power that he wanted. when we think of a super hero, the obvious come to mind like superman, batman etc. an epic hero doesnt always have to be the one who flies around in spandex, saves the world and gets the girl. an epic hero has nobel qualities and seeks betterment for the world.
ReplyDeletechristina orange
Gilgamesh is an example of an epic hero in many ways. One example is many epic heroes are usually on a quest. Gilgamesh is on a quest for immorality. He is also adventurous, daring, brave, and courageous for going through all that he has to earn immorality. Another characteristic of an epic hero that Gilgamesh has is being better then others, "They sailed, without stopping, for three days and nights, a six weeks' journey for ordinary men,", this quote shows how he can complete tasks faster then others can. He has proven throughout the story that he is a true epic hero.
ReplyDeleteCarly DiDonna
An epic hero is a strong and courtious, very strong willed. "study the brickwork, study the fortification, climb the ancient staircase to the terrace".-Jeff Ritter
ReplyDeleteA hero is made by the actions taken from his heart. Not all heroes are the same though, some try to better the world or better themselves. As in Gilgamesh, I believe that he obtains both of these qualities. He is the ruler Uruk and takes care of those in the city, at the same time he goes on quests to quench his own desires. The quote "there sight would of frightened any ordinary man" has given the impression that Gilgamesh is a hero that has the qualities of brave, intelligent, and determined to go through his quests. Gilgamesh is the example for what an epic hero is, and what they have been throughout time.
ReplyDelete“What you seek you shall never find.
ReplyDeleteFor when the Gods made man,
They kept immortality to themselves"
There are many characteristics of an epic hero. They can me brave, head strong, self ruled, and coragous. Gilgamesh shows all of these traits. He is not frightened by things that any normal human would run away from. "There sight frightened any ordinary man."
ReplyDeleteTaylor Morgan
"Only two thirds of him is a god, one third is human". This shows that he is of superhuman ability and a glorified person. Both are characteristics of an epic hero. Also, an epic hero must go on a quest. The whole story of Gilgamesh is about his journey to the gods to find imortality. He must not be intimidated by death. This is shown by his easy will to cross the Waters of Death. An epic hero must be a person with courage. Going through the Two Peaks and the Tunel that the sun can kill him took courage. Gilgamesh is an epic hero by these standards.
ReplyDeleteSome characteristics of an epic hero are strong, determined, godlike, super natural and strong willed. All epic heros go through hardships and put the good of society before the good of themselves. For example, Gilgamesh possess some of theses traits such as when he crosses the vast ocean where there has not "been any human who was able to cross it." This quote supports that Gilgamesh has super natural strengths and has an unordinary toughness. Also Gilgamesh conquered a task that no mortal has ever completed which was the long tretcherous journey to the Twin Peaks. Both of these examples show how Gilgamesh is an epic hero who completes tasks that are an ordinary person is incapable of.
ReplyDeleteA epic hero is tough smart and strong. Gilgamesh is a eaxmple of a epic hero. "He is two parts devine and one man" He goes on a long journey thats imposible for humans. Epic heros are usally guys who put there life on the line for others. With these charachterisics he concurred what he need to do.
ReplyDeleteThe characteristics of an epic hero is someone who is brave and is willing to risk his or her life to save other people. They're courageous and have integrity. They are commited to whatever quest they're taking on. They put other people before themselves and aren't scared to take on any challenges. "He is two parts devine and one man", is a quote used in the story, Gilgamesh. This shows the strength of Gilgamesh.
ReplyDelete-Marina Parkinson
"There sight would have frightened any ordinary man." This quote is a great example of an epic hero. With being an epic hero, there come characteristics. The ones I see most important are brave, strong, daring, and have superhuman powers. All of these traits Gilgamesh displayed. Gilgamesh had to go threw great lengths to try to discover immortality. Though he never got it, threw the quest he showed that he is an epic hero.
ReplyDelete-Sabrina Necelis
An epic hero can have many different characteristics. For example they can be brave, adventurous and even god like. " two thirds of him was god one third was human." other characteristics include, strong smart and determined. Gilga mesh was definitely determined on making it to utnapishtim because he went on a huge quest to find him. Although here don't find out whether or not he gets immortality. Nevertheless Gilgamesh greatly depicts an epic hero
ReplyDelete"There sight would of frightened any ordinary man" this means that any normal man would be frightened but not Gilamesh. Some of the epic hero traits are being noble, brave and courageous. Epic heroes need these traits because it aids them in their quest. Some other traits are them being honest and also having super human strength. Also in the story Gilamesh he is called "two thirds divine and one third human". Lastly, they are always risking their lives for the good of the people or for themselves.
ReplyDeleteGilgamesh has many qualities of an epic hero. "There were two scorpion guards, a man and a woman, guarding the entrance to the two peaks mountains." Gilgamesh is not your ordinary epic hero. He is very brave because he is able to walk past the two scorpion guards guarding the entrance to the twin peaks mountains. He has determination to seek betterment for the world by going on a quest to find the plant of eternal life. He is very honorable because he goes and finally finds the plant of eternal life down in the deep depths of the ocean.-Kristian Mcniss period 3
ReplyDeletethere are many characteristics of an epic hero. one is brave. like how he went on the epic journey even though he was afraid of death. another one is god like. giglamesh learned the way of immortality wich is godlike." two thirds of him was god one third was human."
ReplyDeleteJake Smith