The elements of a fable are very few characters, animated, inanimate, or personified. Other elements include the plot being very simple, and the theme provides a message, a moral, or personal benefit. The mood of a fable reflects human strength, frailties, weaknesses or imperfections. Basically, a fable is a short story and the characters are sometimes animals with human qualities, that learn a lesson at the end.
The elements of a fable are the characters, the setting, the plot, the theme, and the mood style. All of these elements come together and make a fable. In my fable I will make sure to include all of those things. There would be a set of characters, the setting would be some where, I would have a set theme, and there would be a certain mood style all through out the story.
What is a Fable? Well a fable is an short, simple story, usually with animals as characters, designed to teach a moral truth. That is the basic outline of what mine will be. I feel like I will write a farely good fable cause you can be very creative. Im not a very good writer but if I have enough writing freedom I think I will do good.
Jimmy Strong
ps. Ms Powers my account wouldnt let me pick "annonoymous". Soooo I used austins. <3
Elements of a fable are a short story including a moral or lesson, usualy including animal characters. In my fable I will incluse many animal characters. The main plot will lead up to a lesson including humor. Most fables include lessons using common sence. For example the fable with the 4 brothers and lion, the brothers bring the lion back to life not realizing the lion would kill them when he was alive.
In a fable they usally use a animal to show the moral of the story. A moral of a story is a life moto to live by. For example, in the elephant fable the elephant gets to arrogant with his dominance. He thought he was the best and that was his downfall. In my fable I will be using animal characters to show the moral of the fable. The animals would include a trickster and the main animal that gets tricked.
The elements of a fable are usually animal characters, not a lot of characters, simple story, etc. It also includes a moral or some kind of lesson. It usually has a twist and shows imperfections. I will try to include exactly that in my fable. It will be a simple story with animals and a moral.
The elements in a fable are to get a moral across. When reading a fable, you're supposed to understand a message through it. Normally, fables use animal characters so the point of the fable is easier to come across. In my fable, I'm going to include animals going through a rough time. In the end, the situation will get better and a lesson will be learned. -Marina Parkinson
The elements in a fable can differ from any other type of story. The characters are usually animals. A fable is usually short and simple. The fable will contain a type of life lesson or moral. In my fable im writing about two animals who go to school together and get picked on by a bully. The ending will be that the bully gets caught and in trouble. The moral of the story is to treat others the way you want to be treated and to never back down.
A fable consists of animals that take on human roles. The stories are not long, but have a grater meaning buried into it. In all the fables there is a moral. In my fable I want to show a animal who think they can get away with doing something to another without anything happening to them. I'm basically displaying karma in my fable.
The element of a fable are that they must include animals with humanlike characteristics. There must be a trickster in the story to foil the plans of a character. The whole basic idea of the fabel is to get a moral across. Ill include the requirements and add a serious plot to the mix. SandersT50
The elemetns of a fable consists of animals that have human like characteristics such as courage, strength or being wise. There is a moral in most fables ,a trickster character, opponets of the trickster, and the epic hero or wise character. The spider is the trickster in my fable and moral in my fable is always stay true to yourself.VC
Fables usually have animals that have human characteristics. There will usually be a trickster who is also the protagonist and then the one he tricks will be the antagonist. The trickster will use his wits and cunning to get the better of the antagonist and become victorious while also teaching a morale. In my fable i will include almost all of these elements. Though I will have the trickster be defeated and his defeat will teach my morale.
The elements of a fable are a short story with an all animal cast of characters. The purpose of the story is to impart a morale or a lesson.These stories always have a trickster whether the trickster. In my fable i'll have a ferret who use his stealth and cunning mind to trap the three leaders of the world the patient tortoise the swift eagle and the giant squid. All own their piece of the earth land air and sea.
The elements of a fable are it must have animal characters in it. Also the moral is clear at the end of the story.The animals also have human qualities such as talking and walking on two legs. They are normaly a short story with a twisted unding. a fable has to have a trickster charchter in it. Which means there needs to be someone to trick or to be tought a lesson.
The most important element of a fable is that it has a moral. There should be a trickster, and a character who opposes the trickster. In my fable, I include a conflict, a moral, dialogue, and a resolution. The moral of the fable is the most important part of the fable, and it has to be relevent to the story that was just told.
Some elements in a fable is that there must be a moral, and that there are usually only animals in it. There must be a trickster and someone who opposes the trickster. In my fable I have a snake who steals a baseball from a baby duck. The snake gets cursed by a tiger. The moral is that you should never take something that isnt rightfully yours. tori mathias
There are many elements that make up a fable. Usually a they consist of a moral or lesson and animals that make up the characters. My fable will hold three main characters, a wolf, a fox, and a lion. Though a few other characters will be applied here and there through out the story. I plan on writing in in a more old fashion way of text useing words in an order that would give the reader a sense that it had been written by an author in the past. At least thats what i hope to accomplish in this story.
The elements of the fable include animal characters. The animals in the fables have human like traits and qualities. The fables are almost always short stories. The concept of the fable is to teach people a valuable lesson. The fables include a good moral that many people should base there next choices near on in the future. Many of the fables include how to solve problems in a proper way. - Spencer Sheppard :]
In every fable there has to be a moral. There has to be a lesson learned by the end of the story. An example of a moral would be "Treat others the way you want to be treated." I included in my fable animals that have human qualities and by the end of hte story, my moral was "karma comes back to bite you in the butt."
The elements of a fable are the following in fables you must have a moral behind it. A moral is almost like a life lesson in a couple of sentences. In fables you also must have Anthropomorphism, which is where you give animals human like characteristics and usually give them god like roles in the fable. The moral in my fable is as following, being prideful can hurt the process of whatever your trying to achieve.
The elements of a fable are the characters, the plot, and the moral. The characters are usually animals that are personified, it also includes a trickster character. The trickster is the protagonist most of the time. The plot centers on a simple scenario that leads into a moral. The moral tends to set on a realization on the main character. This includes the character's personality or personal beliefs. The moral is considered the most important part of the fable.
The elements of a fable is it must have a moral or some type of lesson. The characters are usually animals. There are trickster characters. Trickster characters usually get caught and learn a life lesson. I used a koala bear as my trickster character because they are cute and smart. The lesson of my fable was "what goes around comes around". Jake Smith
There are several different elements in a fable. For starters the characters a usually animals. The second is their is usually a trickster character. The trickster character usually challenges someone of higher power. Lastly fables contain a moral lesson.
The elements of a fable usually include animal characters with personified traits. They are on some kind of quest. There is a trickster character and in the end there is a lesson to be taught. The fable is relatively short and involves a few characters.
The elements of a fable is the characters are usally animals. Also their is a trickster character, the trickster character usallys challenges someone of a more high of power. Fables also contain a moral and or lesson of a stroy. The lesson of a fable usally is something good to do to people its usally not something that will harm anyone.
The elements of a cable are they usually use animals as characters, reheat usually have some charecter that is against the main characters that they have to find a way to defeat. There is always a moral at the end of the story.
The fables are usually short and concise, with very few aniamted, personified characters, most of the time they are presented in the forms of animals. The fables usually have a short plot that expresses a moral through its interesting twists and turns.In this, a trickster character is often present, either being the one that gains advantages or loses. The morals are usually about a life lesson that is reflected on the animal characters. In my fable, I include a tricster character, the Fox, along with two other animals, the Bear and the Gator, who are fighting for fish and let the Fox take advantage of.
Some elements of a fable include few characters, which are usually animals. There is a moral or lesson in every fable. There is usually a trickster involved in proving the point of the story. I included only three characters in my fable. The fable is about an owl and a mouse. It was a very surprising ending as well.
The elements of a fable are the characters, the setting, the plot, the theme, and the mood style.The lesson of a fable usally is something good to do to people. This includes the character's personality or personal beliefs. The morals are usually about a life lesson that is reflected on the animal characters.They are normaly a short story with a twisted unding. In my fable it will includes different types of animals fighting.
The elements of a fable are animated human like characters, There is usually a moral to the story and it is a short story. My fable will include a small person defeating a big powerful person.-Jeff Ritter
There are many different elements that ties in with a fable. The characters are mostly animals or inanimate objects. There are many different moods and settings. The characteristics that the characters have also vary to the specifics of the role they play. They each have a moral or lesson that has to tie in or go with the story. Most of the characters also share different bonds or ties with each other - shawn krough<3
Some elements of a fable are having animals with human qualities as characters. Fables include a moral or a life lesson. One of the characters is usually a trickster character, and the other is the one who thinks they are all that and better then the rest. In my fable i would include a plot a theme and a moral. In a fable the theme and the style reflects on the characters. Fables are very interesting because they can be funny but also teach you something very important about life.
Elements of a fable are unique to many other works of literature. They include differnet things such as using animals as the main characters. They also always have a specific moral. All fables are usually short stories as well with a simple plot. In my fable I will include animal characters who work together to knock of a very powerful bear. The moral of my fable will be "big does not mean best."
Fables have many elements. First, there is that the characters are always only animals. Next,there is the personality of the animal characters. Usually there is always a trickster and a bad guy. Finally, there is the fact of each fable having a moral lesson you learn at the end. My fable will include all these elements in it. There is a twist at the end, but the problem gets resolved.
There are many elements in a fable. The characters in a fable are usually animals. Another element of a fable is that normally contain a moral. They also contain a trickster and an animal character. With the trickster he is normally the one who really is the reason why the moral comes up. The elements that I would use in my fable are basically the traditional elements that are used.
A fable is short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral. they stories are usually simple but by the end they make an impact. the main pont of a fable is to teach a lesson. in my fable, one character uses superior knowlegde over another. in a sense, karma is used but it shows the consequences of taking advantage of other people and that one can get much more out of life by treating others with kindness.
A fable is a short story. It teaches a moral. It may have rymthes. I will probably use a trickster in my story. I will use the moral problem of pride. Also, i will use the problem of not being patient also.
The elements of a fable have a moral or lesson at the end of the story . There is usually two animals with human characteristics as characters . There usually is a trickster character . The trickster character also has an opponent . The plot is twisted and there is usually a very good ending to each fable . Also the setting and time seem very unusual in fables .-kristian Mcniss period 3
Fables are usually very short stories. They are very simple. Most characters are animals and usually personify something. Fables always include a moral and a trickster character. For example in my fable I will use a fox as my trickster. My moral is about friendship and how strong ones friendship can be. - Chelsea simpkins
The elements of a fable are, particularly a short story, animals, personification, and a moral. Fable's are very simple and well understood stories. They usually have a trickster and the trickster usually has an opponent. They usually have good endings. In my fable, I will include a lot of personification and and a very good moral that would teach someone a lesson that they would follow for a very long time. I have read a lot of fables that the morals have stuck with me throughout growing up.
The elements of a fable are very few characters, animated, inanimate, or personified. Other elements include the plot being very simple, and the theme provides a message, a moral, or personal benefit. The mood of a fable reflects human strength, frailties, weaknesses or imperfections. Basically, a fable is a short story and the characters are sometimes animals with human qualities, that learn a lesson at the end.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable are the characters, the setting, the plot, the theme, and the mood style. All of these elements come together and make a fable. In my fable I will make sure to include all of those things. There would be a set of characters, the setting would be some where, I would have a set theme, and there would be a certain mood style all through out the story.
ReplyDeleteWhat is a Fable? Well a fable is an short, simple story, usually with animals as characters, designed to teach a moral truth. That is the basic outline of what mine will be. I feel like I will write a farely good fable cause you can be very creative. Im not a very good writer but if I have enough writing freedom I think I will do good.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Strong
ps. Ms Powers my account wouldnt let me pick "annonoymous". Soooo I used austins.
Elements of a fable are a short story including a moral or lesson, usualy including animal characters. In my fable I will incluse many animal characters. The main plot will lead up to a lesson including humor. Most fables include lessons using common sence. For example the fable with the 4 brothers and lion, the brothers bring the lion back to life not realizing the lion would kill them when he was alive.
ReplyDeleteIn a fable they usally use a animal to show the moral of the story. A moral of a story is a life moto to live by. For example, in the elephant fable the elephant gets to arrogant with his dominance. He thought he was the best and that was his downfall. In my fable I will be using animal characters to show the moral of the fable. The animals would include a trickster and the main animal that gets tricked.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable are usually animal characters, not a lot of characters, simple story, etc. It also includes a moral or some kind of lesson. It usually has a twist and shows imperfections. I will try to include exactly that in my fable. It will be a simple story with animals and a moral.
ReplyDeleteThe elements in a fable are to get a moral across. When reading a fable, you're supposed to understand a message through it. Normally, fables use animal characters so the point of the fable is easier to come across. In my fable, I'm going to include animals going through a rough time. In the end, the situation will get better and a lesson will be learned.
ReplyDelete-Marina Parkinson
The elements in a fable can differ from any other type of story. The characters are usually animals. A fable is usually short and simple. The fable will contain a type of life lesson or moral. In my fable im writing about two animals who go to school together and get picked on by a bully. The ending will be that the bully gets caught and in trouble. The moral of the story is to treat others the way you want to be treated and to never back down.
ReplyDeleteA fable consists of animals that take on human roles. The stories are not long, but have a grater meaning buried into it. In all the fables there is a moral. In my fable I want to show a animal who think they can get away with doing something to another without anything happening to them. I'm basically displaying karma in my fable.
ReplyDeleteThe element of a fable are that they must include animals with humanlike characteristics. There must be a trickster in the story to foil the plans of a character. The whole basic idea of the fabel is to get a moral across. Ill include the requirements and add a serious plot to the mix. SandersT50
ReplyDeleteThe elemetns of a fable consists of animals that have human like characteristics such as courage, strength or being wise. There is a moral in most fables ,a trickster character, opponets of the trickster, and the epic hero or wise character. The spider is the trickster in my fable and moral in my fable is always stay true to yourself.VC
ReplyDeleteFables usually have animals that have human characteristics. There will usually be a trickster who is also the protagonist and then the one he tricks will be the antagonist. The trickster will use his wits and cunning to get the better of the antagonist and become victorious while also teaching a morale. In my fable i will include almost all of these elements. Though I will have the trickster be defeated and his defeat will teach my morale.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable are a short story with an all animal cast of characters. The purpose of the story is to impart a morale or a lesson.These stories always have a trickster whether the trickster. In my fable i'll have a ferret who use his stealth and cunning mind to trap the three leaders of the world the patient tortoise the swift eagle and the giant squid. All own their piece of the earth land air and sea.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable are it must have animal characters in it. Also the moral is clear at the end of the story.The animals also have human qualities such as talking and walking on two legs. They are normaly a short story with a twisted unding. a fable has to have a trickster charchter in it. Which means there needs to be someone to trick or to be tought a lesson.
ReplyDeleteThe most important element of a fable is that it has a moral. There should be a trickster, and a character who opposes the trickster. In my fable, I include a conflict, a moral, dialogue, and a resolution. The moral of the fable is the most important part of the fable, and it has to be relevent to the story that was just told.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Dobson
Some elements in a fable is that there must be a moral, and that there are usually only animals in it. There must be a trickster and someone who opposes the trickster. In my fable I have a snake who steals a baseball from a baby duck. The snake gets cursed by a tiger. The moral is that you should never take something that isnt rightfully yours.
ReplyDeletetori mathias
There are many elements that make up a fable. Usually a they consist of a moral or lesson and animals that make up the characters. My fable will hold three main characters, a wolf, a fox, and a lion. Though a few other characters will be applied here and there through out the story. I plan on writing in in a more old fashion way of text useing words in an order that would give the reader a sense that it had been written by an author in the past. At least thats what i hope to accomplish in this story.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Morgan
The elements of the fable include animal characters. The animals in the fables have human like traits and qualities. The fables are almost always short stories. The concept of the fable is to teach people a valuable lesson. The fables include a good moral that many people should base there next choices near on in the future. Many of the fables include how to solve problems in a proper way.
ReplyDelete- Spencer Sheppard :]
Devon Hill
ReplyDeleteIn every fable there has to be a moral. There has to be a lesson learned by the end of the story. An example of a moral would be "Treat others the way you want to be treated." I included in my fable animals that have human qualities and by the end of hte story, my moral was "karma comes back to bite you in the butt."
The elements of a fable are the following in fables you must have a moral behind it. A moral is almost like a life lesson in a couple of sentences. In fables you also must have Anthropomorphism, which is where you give animals human like characteristics and usually give them god like roles in the fable. The moral in my fable is as following, being prideful can hurt the process of whatever your trying to achieve.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable are the characters, the plot, and the moral. The characters are usually animals that are personified, it also includes a trickster character. The trickster is the protagonist most of the time. The plot centers on a simple scenario that leads into a moral. The moral tends to set on a realization on the main character. This includes the character's personality or personal beliefs. The moral is considered the most important part of the fable.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable is it must have a moral or some type of lesson. The characters are usually animals. There are trickster characters. Trickster characters usually get caught and learn a life lesson. I used a koala bear as my trickster character because they are cute and smart. The lesson of my fable was "what goes around comes around".
ReplyDeleteJake Smith
There are several different elements in a fable. For starters the characters a usually animals. The second is their is usually a trickster character. The trickster character usually challenges someone of higher power. Lastly fables contain a moral lesson.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable usually include animal characters with personified traits. They are on some kind of quest. There is a trickster character and in the end there is a lesson to be taught. The fable is relatively short and involves a few characters.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable is the characters are usally animals. Also their is a trickster character, the trickster character usallys challenges someone of a more high of power. Fables also contain a moral and or lesson of a stroy. The lesson of a fable usally is something good to do to people its usally not something that will harm anyone.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a cable are they usually use animals as characters, reheat usually have some charecter that is against the main characters that they have to find a way to defeat. There is always a moral at the end of the story.
ReplyDeleteThe fables are usually short and concise, with very few aniamted, personified characters, most of the time they are presented in the forms of animals. The fables usually have a short plot that expresses a moral through its interesting twists and turns.In this, a trickster character is often present, either being the one that gains advantages or loses. The morals are usually about a life lesson that is reflected on the animal characters. In my fable, I include a tricster character, the Fox, along with two other animals, the Bear and the Gator, who are fighting for fish and let the Fox take advantage of.
ReplyDeleteSome elements of a fable include few characters, which are usually animals. There is a moral or lesson in every fable. There is usually a trickster involved in proving the point of the story. I included only three characters in my fable. The fable is about an owl and a mouse. It was a very surprising ending as well.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable are the characters, the setting, the plot, the theme, and the mood style.The lesson of a fable usally is something good to do to people. This includes the character's personality or personal beliefs. The morals are usually about a life lesson that is reflected on the animal characters.They are normaly a short story with a twisted unding. In my fable it will includes different types of animals fighting.
The elements of a fable are animated human like characters, There is usually a moral to the story and it is a short story. My fable will include a small person defeating a big powerful person.-Jeff Ritter
ReplyDeleteThere are many different elements that ties in with a fable. The characters are mostly animals or inanimate objects. There are many different moods and settings. The characteristics that the characters have also vary to the specifics of the role they play. They each have a moral or lesson that has to tie in or go with the story. Most of the characters also share different bonds or ties with each other
ReplyDelete- shawn krough<3
Some elements of a fable are having animals with human qualities as characters. Fables include a moral or a life lesson. One of the characters is usually a trickster character, and the other is the one who thinks they are all that and better then the rest. In my fable i would include a plot a theme and a moral. In a fable the theme and the style reflects on the characters. Fables are very interesting because they can be funny but also teach you something very important about life.
ReplyDeleteElements of a fable are unique to many other works of literature. They include differnet things such as using animals as the main characters. They also always have a specific moral. All fables are usually short stories as well with a simple plot. In my fable I will include animal characters who work together to knock of a very powerful bear. The moral of my fable will be "big does not mean best."
ReplyDeleteFables have many elements. First, there is that the characters are always only animals. Next,there is the personality of the animal characters. Usually there is always a trickster and a bad guy. Finally, there is the fact of each fable having a moral lesson you learn at the end. My fable will include all these elements in it. There is a twist at the end, but the problem gets resolved.
ReplyDeleteThere are many elements in a fable. The characters in a fable are usually animals. Another element of a fable is that normally contain a moral. They also contain a trickster and an animal character. With the trickster he is normally the one who really is the reason why the moral comes up. The elements that I would use in my fable are basically the traditional elements that are used.
ReplyDelete-Tristan Alexander
A fable is short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral. they stories are usually simple but by the end they make an impact. the main pont of a fable is to teach a lesson. in my fable, one character uses superior knowlegde over another. in a sense, karma is used but it shows the consequences of taking advantage of other people and that one can get much more out of life by treating others with kindness.
A fable is a short story. It teaches a moral. It may have rymthes. I will probably use a trickster in my story. I will use the moral problem of pride. Also, i will use the problem of not being patient also.
ReplyDeleteThe elements of a fable have a moral or lesson at the end of the story . There is usually two animals with human characteristics as characters . There usually is a trickster character . The trickster character also has an opponent . The plot is twisted and there is usually a very good ending to each fable . Also the setting and time seem very unusual in fables .-kristian Mcniss period 3
ReplyDeleteFables are usually very short stories. They are very simple. Most characters are animals and usually personify something. Fables always include a moral and a trickster character. For example in my fable I will use a fox as my trickster. My moral is about friendship and how strong ones friendship can be.
ReplyDelete- Chelsea simpkins
The elements of a fable are, particularly a short story, animals, personification, and a moral. Fable's are very simple and well understood stories. They usually have a trickster and the trickster usually has an opponent. They usually have good endings. In my fable, I will include a lot of personification and and a very good moral that would teach someone a lesson that they would follow for a very long time. I have read a lot of fables that the morals have stuck with me throughout growing up.