Monday, February 6, 2012

African Literature

What characters are you being introduced to in the short stories?  What qualities do they possess?


  1. In the short stories we are reading in class the characters we are being introduced to are mythological creatures. The creatures and people are sometimes imortal. These creatures posses quilitys like doing something that in real life woulden't be done in real life. For example the spider captureing the boa. They also come back to life when they get hurt. These creatures have magic like qualities.

  2. So far this week we have been introduced into characters that have super human or godly features. Kind of like greek mythology. They each have there own special abilities. Also they have different personalities that really make these stories unique. I feel the characters make the story more than the plot itself.

    Jimmy Strong

  3. Tomlin

    In the stories that we have read were basically being introduces to types of creatures. They have human traits and quality's but can not die. Its like they have magical powers that can always work. The spider is very important because its the strongest thing. The creatures are very imortal and can be dangoures too. The qualities that they possess are strong and brave.

  4. In the short stories we are reading in class the characters we are being introduced to are mythological creatures. The mythological creatures are tricksters and some are insects that act as if they are humans. The characters do things in the story that normal human beings wouldnt be able to do in the real world.

  5. In the african literature section have began to learn about we have been introduced to mythological people and creatures. The creatures include trickters and other animal such as spiders. The authors often give the beings things that would never be possible to do. So by this they are given godly powers and wisdom. They can also be immortal at times. For example in Osiris and Isis osiris is found in a tree and is still alive. Also the queen tries to give her baby immortality by putting the baby in the fire.

  6. The characters in these short stories are mythological creatures. Some are in human form and other are in animal form, however they all posses qualities that an average human does not. Some are immortal, other have powers like being incredibly cunning. One type of character that keeps reappearing is the trickster character. This character is always pulling tricks on other people or animals in the stories. They may be very smart, cunning, or deceiving. Each story we have read has had a trickster in it.

  7. In the african literature so far we have learned about many mythological people and creatrues. the stories often explain how something came to be like how we have stories or how person in charge of the underworld got there. there are many trickster characters like the puss in boots or the coyote whole stole the fire from thunder.

  8. In the African Literature short stories that we have been reading, many diverse characters are presented, such as Osiris and Isis, the god and goddess from the early days, and the spider Anansi. They are all from mythologies and possess magical qualities that common people do not. Some of them, such as the spider Anansi and the creatures from his story, they are all embodied with human-like qualities and resemblance. They act the same as human beings would. Others, such as Osiris and Isis, possess magic or divine power, that could make people immortal or rise from dead. Both of these stories have a common character that serves as the trickster and is also defeated in the end.

  9. In African American literature your being introduced into Egyptian mythology people like Osiris and isis and Seth osirs brother,or different creatures like Anasi the spider and his wife.Osirs posseses a orderly peace character and Isis Seth is the violent one but through the stories they have someone who is the trickster. The author,includes making objects lively in the story, for instance the tree is alive and imortality is given to isis and osirs baby. And in the Anasi story hmthe author make the spider wise and sometimes makes the spider seem human. Vc

  10. In this African Literature section we have been introduced to people that I and many people would refer to as creatures. Its basically a mythology, and they cannot die. For example the spiders and how they play there tricks. How can a spider capture things that are nearly impossible to capture? Its mythology, and also how the queen trys to burn the baby and give it immortality of Osiris. Then Osiris is found alive next to the baby.

  11. In african literature we are being introduced to mythological people and creatures. The creatures, or animals, are normally a trickster. Like the spider, Anansi. They characters do things in the story that are humaly impossible. The people in the stories try to make other people immortal. They can do this by putting a baby in a fire. Osiris is immortal because he is found at the end of the story still alive in the column of the castle, still in the cophen.
    tori mathias

  12. There are many different characters in African Literature that we have seen so far. There are gods, who control everything in stories. They often deal with mortals in these stories and usually end up greatly altering the lives of them. There are also tricksters. These types of characters trick other characters into doing what they want them to do. They are usually the main character in the story and are the ones who end up victorious in the stories we have read so far.

  13. The characters we are being introduced to are godly like creatures. They trick other things into giving them what they want. When they get what they want it alters their lives. The characters who are doing the tricking are the main characters, and are the good guys. The trickees are the bad guys.

  14. The characters from the short stories are mythological figures. Similar to those of Greek mythology, they have many human and non-human qualities. Characters had magical powers. Animals were acting as if they were humans. Unless you were told otherwise, you would believe they were human. Both stories had a sneaky character, one who has very smart and outwitted others in the story. Both accomplished their goal, except one was later killed by the son of a victim of their tricks

  15. In the African Literature that we have been reading in class, many characters have been introduced. We've read about Osiris and Isis, also about Anasi the spider. In the stories, the characters do things you wouldn't see a normal person do. Also, they try to make other people immortal. For example, putting the baby in the fire. They're are many trickster like characters, that pull things on the other characters in the story. They are given godly powers and a lot of knowledge to complete the tasks that they do.

    -Marina Parkinson

  16. Kings seem to be a popular character in the African Literature and Greek Mythology. They are usually either wise and smart or cocky and unwatchful. They either out wit the other people or they get beaten by them. Of course also, it's mythology, so there is Gods. They are usually smart and cuning, but like in the Cyote story, the Cyote out wits the thunder God and wins the fire along with his life. People like regular citizens aren't really seen too much because the point of mythology is usually to explain the Gods and their doings. These are the types of characters that we have been mostly introduced to so far.

  17. There are many different characters in african literature that we have read. Such as the trickster character. We have also read about alot of mythical characters. Which are characters with god like qualities. Also, we have also seen characters with anthropomarphism. Which is the attribution of human characteristics to gods, animals, or inanimate objects.

  18. In African Literature you never know how the stories or characters will end up. The characters are in both mythological human and or animal form. All of these characters posses unique qualities. For example, Osiris and Seth both have godlike powers. Osiris is the good spirit and Seth uses his powers in a violent way due to his jealously. Also, the spider Anansi had human like qualities. He looked like an old man, he could talk and capture what the god wanted. Lastly, When the Coyote wanted to win the game against thunder he cheats. All of these characters are very unpredictable. Most things in Mythology and African literature don't always add up. Just like how Osiris' coffin ended up in the tree then became a column. The characters in African literature really make the stories interesting.
    Dana Yangello :)

  19. In African lit there are many different characters that we experience throughout the stories. So far we have seen different gods that control many parts of the story and tell the other characters what to do. Another Character is the tricksters. They are characters that have no moral in the story. There is also a main character in the different stories. They are either human, animal, or some other figure throughout the story.
    -shawn krough

  20. Devon Hill (:

    We are being introduced to archetype characters in the short stories we are reading. An example of a archetype character would be a trickster. In the short story "How stories came to earth", the spider is the trickster. The qualities that he posses are smartness, trickiness, and funniness. There are many different kinds of archetype characters. Trickster is just one of the many types.

  21. As we read African Literature, we are being introduced to many different kinds of characters. Some of the stories we read, such as "How Stories Came To Earth", are based off of Gods. The characters are used to symbolize different things and characteristics of real people. In this particular story, the main characteristic that is being used is the trickster characteristic. The stories are used to teach lessons and are meant to be related to real life.

    Carly DiDonna

  22. We are being introduced to mythological characters, human and/or animals that each play a role in the short stories we are reading. Some the hero, some the trickster and many more of the types we discussed in class. Each help make the story what it is and make it interesting. They each have specific characteristics about them. For example, in the story "How stories came to earth" The spider and his wife are the tricksters, because they both come up with ways to trick the animals so they can capture them and bring them to Nyame.

  23. We are being introduced to many interesting characters. They are interesting because they do many strange things that are impossible to do in real life. For examples, the tricksters, they possess smartness, trickness, etc. Osiris is another. There are also immortal characters. THey help us explore are imagination a lot.

  24. So far we have been introduced to mythological creatures. These are creatures that have abnormal powers, and use these powers to trick people, and get what they want. The qualities that they possess are trickiness, cleverness, and humor. The creatures are also know as the archetype: trickster.

  25. Taylor Dobson

    This week we have been introduced to characters who relate closely to mythology. These characters come across issues that one would not normally encounter, including having to catch a baby on fire to save your brother-husband who has been trapped in a tree inside a column in a castle, having to spin webs to capture creatures for a god so you can read his stories, and gambling with a god so you may bring the world fire. Some of the characters are tricksters, so they are cunning and sly. The gods in stories are always viewed as being all powerful, although the trickster can trick them.

  26. In the works we have read, we have been introduced to characters like gods, for instance in the story of Osirus and Isis Osirus was sealed in a coffin by Seth and Osirus became the judge of the underworld, there are also, mithalogicle creatures, tricsters, and many more.
    Tom Sanders

  27. In the short stories we are being introduced to mythological creatures. The creatures are usually in human or animal form. The creatures have qualities/powers that most humans do not. Most of the creatures look like average humings until they show there true mythological powers. The powers they have differ from creature to creature. Some play tricks, some use wit and some use humor.

    - Spencer Sheppard

  28. african literature has introduced characters that obtain unhuman qualities. they each have their own ability that portrays a certain image. these characters that have been introduced all relate to mythology. we see the world through the eyes of these immortals and capture images that have no realistic explanation. these characters have a clever and insidious agenda that further them in the situations they have set out for. these characters are tricksters that always embark for something much more powerful then themselves.

    christina orange <3

  29. The stories we read this week are closely related to those of Greek mythology. One thing that is similar in all mythological stories is that the events that take place are not ones that would take place in normal everyday life. For example, Asansi the spider and his wife had to capture creatures to bring to a god in order to bring his stories down to earth. Another story tells of a wife who puts a queens baby in a fire to make it immortal, then nurses it with sap from a column with her husbands dead body inside of it. Also in "coyote steals fire" a coyote gambles with Thunder and tricks him into breaking his fire rock so that all of the people could get a piece of fire and take it back to earth. In all of these stories there is a trickster which is neither good nor bad be cause they do bad by tricking people but it is for a good cause in the end

  30. During this week, we have discussed and read about African Literature. The characters that have been discussed are usually some type of mythical creature that can be personified into having human features or god like abilities. An example of this is of the coyote stealing the fire from the thunder god. He is able to outwit the thunder god and steal the fire for everyone to have. Or how the story of Osiris and Isis have the power to come back to life and seem to be immortal completely. This subject of literature seems to closely relate to Greek Mythology.

  31. The short stories that I have been reading in my english class, introduce me to a few odd characters. characters such as, a little spider who resembles an old man, who wants this book that can tell him the secrets to life, and the god that possesses this book tells the spider to capture these creatures like, a python, a swarm of hornerts, a leapord, and a fairy. Some how this little spider manages to capture these animals and recieve the book. Some of these stories may not seem possible, but that is what mythology means, taking something that is not possible and making to come alive in a very intresting way. All of the mythology that was created in african litrtature, is what some authors base there stories on. Just to think that the stories that we hear today, trace back into acient africa. These short stories have many perspectives. I was introduced to many characters, and each one of them had a way to get what they want. Even though it was not the right thing, they still got it. being a trickster has its' advantages.

  32. The characters we have been introduced to in the short stories are similar to human beings. The difference is that Human beings can die and these unusual characters dont die but human beings do. These creatures also have cool powers so they can con people into getting whatever they want. They are known for being tricksters. They also have a great sence of humor. - Jeff Ritter

  33. The new characters we have learned about are very human like.They can not die and they speak english.They are human like by that I mean they talk and walk on two legs like humans.One of the characters is a cat that can talk and walk.The cat catches rats but not like normal cat. He uses a sack and pretends to be dead.Thats just one of the storys we have read.

    Sven Gronvold

  34. The African Liturature that we have been reading closley resembles mythology. You find characters that are immortal and also posses the ability to transform themselves. For example in Osris and Isis, Isis transforms herself into a bird. You also start to get into the trickster character. Seth is a fine example of this, because he tricks his brother into laying in a casket in which he is sealed and sent into the ocean. That is only a few examples of what we have been reading latley in clase.
    Taylor Morgan

  35. the characters we have been introduced to in these short stories are mostly the tricksters. in the story how stories came to earth the spider tricked the creatures to fall into traps so he can bring them to the sky god for the stories. when the coyote cheated in the game and tricked thunder into throwing fire stones at the fox. osirus's brother seth wanted to kill osirus. osirus kept comeing back to life with the help of isis. most of the storys have to do with a god and the tricksters tricking them.
    Jake Smith

  36. In the recent short stories we have read, we have been introduced to mythological figures and creatures. These characters all complete tasks that in reality are impossible. Each one has hero qualities and determination to do what's necessary for them. In addition, they are "tricksters" meaning they trick their subjects for some type of advantage. They uses clever tactics and forms of manipulation such as the traps set by the spider. Overall these characters that we have been introduced to are clever figures who complete their tasks with wise decisions.

  37. In African Literature we are being introduced to the trickster characters. Such as the coyote and the spider from the story in "How Stories Came to Earth.. Some of the qualitys that the coyote has is being so cunning and fast. Also for him being a trickster he is also has a great gambling skill. Another tricksters the spider who's qualities are that he has that underdog appearance so it's easier to trick people or animals. Also the trickster may do so things that humans may not do.

    Tristan Alexander

  38. In these three short stories we are introduced to 3 different characters. They are all the main characters in these stories. They are all trickster characters. One gambles and tricks and god and takes the giant rock with all the fire inside it to share with everyone in the world. One Sets a baby on fire to save a brother-husband who is trapped. One Tricks four creatures and captures them as they are the great price for the stories of the sky god.-Kristian Mcniss period 3

  39. We have been introduced to Anthropomorphism Characters, Archetype Characters. A example of a Anthropomorphism is Kwaku Anansi he is a spider that is given human like qualities and is also concerded a trickster character. A trickster character is a character that uses his words to persway people and get whatever he wants. Trickster characters can be any size like Anansi was a small spider that used his words to capture a Python, Leopard, Hornets, and a Fairy and brought them back to the sky so he could get the stories of how the world started and what not.

  40. In the stories we've been reading, many characters have been introduced. Anansi the spider is one of them. Although he is trying to do good for all people by bringing them stories, he tricks many animals into being captured. This shows he is deceitful. Another character with this trait was Seth. He tricked his brother Osiris many times trying to kill him.
