How are you going to set up your research paper? What are some of the transition words you could use? What are some of the important facts to remember when writing your final paper?
I am going to set it up in three sections; the intro, body and conclusion. I can use transitions words such as therefore, henceforth, moreover, in addition, also, and thus. Some important facts to remember for my final paper would be to not use any personal pronouns. Also I shouldn't use contractions in my final paper either.
I am going to base my research paper off my outline. The outline is going to help me out alot when it comes to writng my research paper. It basically writes your research paper for you. Some transition words I would use are additionally, and, because, and but. I would also use also and plenty of others. Something important to remember is how to correctly make your heading.
Im going to set up my research paper by supporting my thesis, and in some parts a time line of his life. I think it would be best that way. You have to support your argument, and it is always good to give a little biography on his life. Transition words that I can do would first, then, moreover, finally, etc. Important facts to remember would be to not go off topic, no contractions, support thesis, and to make sense in what your saying.
I am going to set up my research paper by setting all my notecards in order, i will use them to basicly write out my paper. Also looking through my sources for more information to include in the research paper. I will also cite as im writing to make it easier as i go. I could use many transition words, just not "don't" i would write out "do not." Important facts to remember when writing my final paper is to always cite information that is parafrazed or quoted from my sources to be sure there is no plagerism. Also, to remember not to write "don't" instead of "do not"
I plan to set up my research paper based on a chronological order, with different important life events that impacted Dizzy Gillespie hugely and would support my thesis statement. My research paper will mainly consist of 3 parts: the background and how it relates to his later accomplishments, his career as a musician and also as the cultural ambassador for the U.S. Some important factst are the defining of new jazz style Bop adn how it impacted the jazz music industry, and his later years spent on the cultural mission tours that improved the image of the U.S. on racial violence. Some transition words could be used are: in addition, on a contarary, overall, moreover, on the other hand...etc.
I'm going to set up my research paper identical to my outline, but with more detail. SOme transition words I could use are: during, there, this, Richard Wright, in, etc. Basicaly anything that will help me lead into my point and new paragraph. When writing my paper I need to remember my topic, and be sure to stay on track and not put in facts that I don't need, also follow my outline and thesis.
Im going to start my research paper by first stating my thesis then explaining it and going into further deatail with it. some important facts to remember is o stay on topic and remember all the facts about our person to write about.
To set up my research paper I'm going to use my outline and ruff draft to work off of. I already did all of my research, now I just have to put it into sentences on paper. Some transition words I could use are, therefore, on the other hand, first, and finally. Some important facts to remember about writing my final paper would defiantly be the header and to remember to put page numbers on all of the ones that aren't the first. Also, to not just have the person's name as a header.
I am going to set up my research paper by listing all the experiences and honors that brought himm to success. I will use transition words such as then and earlier to bring back past events in his life. Important facts in the research start from childhood to their future. The person I'm researching for my research paper is Duke Ellington. He lived a long and eventful life and I will be sure to include every detail.
My research paper is going to be in MLA format. The first paragraph is about my persons life before he became famous, and how he became famous. My second paragraph is going to be about what influence his writings had on people. some transition words that could be used are although, and then, first, second, so forth, because and, after that. Some important facts to remember is all the facts and notes i wrote down on my note cards, punctuation, and spelling. -Cassaundra Uhland
I'm going to set up my research paper by saying that my person when through many hardships but she overcame them. I'm going to explain how she over came everything and what she accomplished by doing so. Some transitions words I could use in my paper would be, accordingly, as a result, for this reason, hence, otherwise, moreover, likewise, etc. Some important facts to remember when writing my final paper would be to explain everything in full detail. I need to explain everything that affected my persons life and why it did. I need to keep my paper organized and in order so it all comes together and makes sense. -Marina Parkinson
I am going to set my research paper up with the following : Intro,Body 1, Body 2,Body 3, Body 4, Body 5, and Body 6. I will probaly included extra supporting paragraphs including facts about my research topic. I could use time transition words. I could put everything in time order beginning when Ellison was born until the day that he died. I'm going to include facts mainly about Ellison's life and what he did as a writer and author. I will include support examples to strengthen my arguements and thesis. I will open with a strong thesis statement and end it with a strong conclusion. Also anything that is written word for word i will internally cite every fact. -Kristian Mcniss period 3
How am I going to set up my research paper? I want to do it in a time line but in paragraph form. Each paragraph having information from his life and making sure it goes in order. Transitions words I could use is later on, next, then, and many more. Important facts that i have to remember is things from his childhood that made him successful. Jimmy strong
How am I going to set up my research paper? I want to do it in a time line but in paragraph form. Each paragraph having information from his life and making sure it goes in order. Transitions words I could use is later on, next, then, and many more. Important facts that i have to remember is things from his childhood that made him successful. Jimmy strong
I thought writing a research paper was going to be hard, but now that I have an organized way of doing it, it doesn’t seem so hard. I researched all the information I need for my paper. With that information I made an outline. An outline is the structure of your paper. Stating the supporting details, and supportive ideas, then explaining them. When we were little we learned transitions such as first, next, finally. Being in high school or college those transitions are not the best to use. Transitions like therefore, although, also and in conclusion are more mature and impressive. When writing a research paper make sure you have a thesis that you can easily express, explain and write about. Also NEVER talk about yourself in your paper. Lastly, make sure your paper has a nice flow and every idea is explained and are relevant to your topic. Dana Yangello
The way im going to set up my research paper is im going to first start it with a thesis sentence. Then im going to start my intro paragraph. after that im going to get all of my body paragraphs in to the paper. after that im going to finish up with my conclusion. the transition words i'm going to use are: also, first, after that. Spelling and grammer are some important facts to rember when writing the resarch paper.
I want to write my paper, in the order of his life. such as starting off with his childhood, and then leading up to how he got into the music inderstry. I AM NOT SURE IF I CAN USE TRANSITION WORDS. I would remember to use correct spelling.
I am going to have my reasearch paper be in chronological order of Billie Holiday's entire life. I will begin with events while she was in her early childhood, and end with her deatha at age 44. Some transition words I will use include: also, again, besides, furthermore, but, still, and beside.
The women I’m doing my research paper on Nikki Giovanni. I'm going to set my research paper up by first putting a topic sentence which is basically explaining why I am writing this paper. Then a thesis statement which will be explaining why Nikki did what she did. After that I will give a brief explanation on her childhood and the struggles she went through to get where she is today. The body of my research paper will explain how her childhood affected her writing and her overall success. As my closing I will sum this entire paper up and connect it all to her famous poetry. Some transition words that I could possibly use would be something like also, again, as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly. Some important facts that I remember from my research would be her friend Emmet till that was murdered for flirting with a white women. Also she borrowed money to publish her first poem, simple stuff like that.
I am going to organize my paper according to his life events. I could use many different transition words including in his early life, later in life, next, then, finally, etc. It is important to write enough information that will fill the pages and to keep them organized. It is also important to make sure it properly cited according to MLA.
I am going to set up my research paper very simply. Starting with an intro, alot of facts, then a conclusion. I don't know what kind of transition words i could use at the moment. Some important facts to remember are, that it needs an intro, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. ~kwhth3
I'm setting my research paper up by starting it out with an introduction paragraph, following it with my supporting paragraphs and ending it with a conclusion paragraph. In my introduction paragraph i will state my main points and state my thesis. In the following paragraphs, my support paragraphs, I will support my thesis with multiple points and examples. In these support paragraphs I have to remember important facts such as to stay on topic which is supporting my thesis and tying my support paragraphs into my thesis. Also i will need to give specific examples and quotes throughout my essay to also help support my thesis. Some transition words i could use are "in addition," "moreover," "also," and "however." Drew Burdsall
Words like Next, Then, After that, and Finally are commonly used transition words. I would use these, but maybe some others to spice up the sound a little more. Dates are good transition elements to use as well as as a result or that eventually led to could all spice up a paper. You have to remember format. MLA headings always get me. I always forget them. It's a long paper so try to put in as much detail as possible. Those are some format tools to remember as well as great transitions
I am going to set up my research paper by using my outline and note cards. Learning more about my person, Sammy Davis Jr. is important as well. Some transition words I could use are; furthermore, additionally, moreover, and because. These words can blend your essay in more smoothly. Some important facts to remember while writting my final paper is to always stay on task. Also, use as much detail as possible and cite and quotes I use.
I will write my paper after reviewing my own rough draft. I would start by correcting grammar mistakes and then try to use more complex sentences to give my paper a little more pazzazz in my paper. Hopefully this will make it look good. Some transition words that I'll use would be since, during, although, even though, and until. These transition words are better than the average first, next, and after. Some important facts about your person that could be on the final paper could be their background information, what they did, and how they did it. Like my person, Toni Cade Bambara tried to spread the word of equality through many of her short stories that she wrote through her life.
The way I'm going to set up my research paper is to start with my opening paragraph, which will consist of my background info on my person, Tupac, also it will have some subjects that support my thesis. After that I will have 3 or 4 paragraphs explaining my supporting reasons. Finally I will have a closing paragraph which somes up my paper and restates my thesis. Some transition words I can use would be more over, furthermore, next, also, and finally. One important things I will do are making sure I use MLA format throught the essay and properly cite quotes and paraphrasing.
When i set up my research paper im going to have a good opening paragragh and alot of transition words. such as, also, furthermore, lastly, next etc. when your writing a final paper, you want to remember to include all of the supporting details for your topic. If you go off topic, then you will not have a good final paper. That is not a good way to write any paper in the first place. You want to put as much detail into your final paper as possible. Make sure to state your opinion and give resons on why and why you didn't choose something or why or why not you liked it or not. You want to include all the information on all of the research you did for the person that you got chosen to do. -Jeff Ritter
The way I'm going to set uo my research paper is by looking at my outline. Also I would look at my notecards and work of my rough draft. Some of the transitions words I may are in addition, likewise and also. Some of the other words are next, first and also lastly. Some of the facts I would use is how she was in the civil rights movement. Another fact is how she had a good career even with her bad childhood.
I would set up my research paper by having a title , a strong opening ,a thesis statement that will support my reasons. After that I will talk about the early life of my person I researched on and have two important paragraphs and how it effect he or she latter in life, then talk about the work of my person and what he or she did and number them as I go along. Then I will talk about thier later years of life then thier death. Also including life after. My person my conclusion and reinterated my thesis and have my last two points. Vc
Well im going to use MLA format and base it off my rough draft. Some transition words i could use are words that connect the reader to the story. Some important facts are to explain him very well. Also you wanna talk about the career's my character had. When i set up my research paper I wanna do it right. My story is going to be good.
I am going to set up my paper mla format. I'm going to set it up like you showed us how to do.Theres lots of transition words that are going to be in my paper.Some important facts to remember facts are that he never played in raciest places.He smoked four cigarettes thinking that he would have a deeper voice.
I am going to use many transition words such as also,more over and etc.I am gonna set my research paper up to help me support my mains supports towards the thesis first.Some facts to remeber are always use mla format.Secondly you have to always relater towards your thesis.Also, never get off topic. THis is what i would put in my paper
I'm going to set up my research paper in regular MLA format. I will have my intro then have all my body paragraphs and supporting deatils in my pararaphs. Then, i will do my conclusion. I will use the transition, moreover, then, next, after, therfore, in conclusion, and For example. Some important facts to remember when writing a final paper is to make sure citing so you don't palqurize. Finally, you should be simple and consice and not just have paragraphs to make it longer. You only need the important facts that support you theis.
I'm going to set up my research paper by saying important facts about her childhood. Some transition words I may use: also, therefore, moreover, and in addition. There are many important facts to remember when writing my final paper. One very important fact is to stay on topic and connect my writing to my thesis. Another thing to keep in mind is to use my transition words appropriately and make my paper flow. Also, I should remember all the key facts I need to put in my paper. Shawn Krough
I will set up my research paper in MLA format and I will explain that colors showing throughout the poem. Some transitions I could use are "therefore, also, in addition, and moreover." Some important facts include, always tie back to your thesis and stay on topic. Also, including quotes and citing sources correctly. Chelsea simpkins
I will set up my research paper in MLA format and i will explain every detail about the person i did my research on. I will use plenty of transitions. Such as, First, Furthermore, Also, Next etc. I will be sure to stay on topic and don't drift off into space. I will make sure to use plenty of quotes and make sure i cite everything correctly.-Jeff Ritter
I am going to set it up in three sections; the intro, body and conclusion. I can use transitions words such as therefore, henceforth, moreover, in addition, also, and thus. Some important facts to remember for my final paper would be to not use any personal pronouns. Also I shouldn't use contractions in my final paper either.
ReplyDeleteI am going to base my research paper off my outline. The outline is going to help me out alot when it comes to writng my research paper. It basically writes your research paper for you. Some transition words I would use are additionally, and, because, and but. I would also use also and plenty of others. Something important to remember is how to correctly make your heading.
ReplyDeleteIm going to set up my research paper by supporting my thesis, and in some parts a time line of his life. I think it would be best that way. You have to support your argument, and it is always good to give a little biography on his life. Transition words that I can do would first, then, moreover, finally, etc. Important facts to remember would be to not go off topic, no contractions, support thesis, and to make sense in what your saying.
ReplyDeleteI am going to set up my research paper by setting all my notecards in order, i will use them to basicly write out my paper. Also looking through my sources for more information to include in the research paper. I will also cite as im writing to make it easier as i go. I could use many transition words, just not "don't" i would write out "do not." Important facts to remember when writing my final paper is to always cite information that is parafrazed or quoted from my sources to be sure there is no plagerism. Also, to remember not to write "don't" instead of "do not"
ReplyDeleteI plan to set up my research paper based on a chronological order, with different important life events that impacted Dizzy Gillespie hugely and would support my thesis statement. My research paper will mainly consist of 3 parts: the background and how it relates to his later accomplishments, his career as a musician and also as the cultural ambassador for the U.S. Some important factst are the defining of new jazz style Bop adn how it impacted the jazz music industry, and his later years spent on the cultural mission tours that improved the image of the U.S. on racial violence. Some transition words could be used are: in addition, on a contarary, overall, moreover, on the other hand...etc.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to set up my research paper identical to my outline, but with more detail. SOme transition words I could use are: during, there, this, Richard Wright, in, etc. Basicaly anything that will help me lead into my point and new paragraph. When writing my paper I need to remember my topic, and be sure to stay on track and not put in facts that I don't need, also follow my outline and thesis.
ReplyDeleteIm going to start my research paper by first stating my thesis then explaining it and going into further deatail with it. some important facts to remember is o stay on topic and remember all the facts about our person to write about.
ReplyDeleteTo set up my research paper I'm going to use my outline and ruff draft to work off of. I already did all of my research, now I just have to put it into sentences on paper. Some transition words I could use are, therefore, on the other hand, first, and finally. Some important facts to remember about writing my final paper would defiantly be the header and to remember to put page numbers on all of the ones that aren't the first. Also, to not just have the person's name as a header.
ReplyDeleteI am going to set up my research paper by listing all the experiences and honors that brought himm to success. I will use transition words such as then and earlier to bring back past events in his life. Important facts in the research start from childhood to their future. The person I'm researching for my research paper is Duke Ellington. He lived a long and eventful life and I will be sure to include every detail.
ReplyDeleteMy research paper is going to be in MLA format. The first paragraph is about my persons life before he became famous, and how he became famous. My second paragraph is going to be about what influence his writings had on people. some transition words that could be used are although, and then, first, second, so forth, because and, after that. Some important facts to remember is all the facts and notes i wrote down on my note cards, punctuation, and spelling.
ReplyDelete-Cassaundra Uhland
I'm going to set up my research paper by saying that my person when through many hardships but she overcame them. I'm going to explain how she over came everything and what she accomplished by doing so. Some transitions words I could use in my paper would be, accordingly, as a result, for this reason, hence, otherwise, moreover, likewise, etc. Some important facts to remember when writing my final paper would be to explain everything in full detail. I need to explain everything that affected my persons life and why it did. I need to keep my paper organized and in order so it all comes together and makes sense. -Marina Parkinson
ReplyDeleteI am going to set my research paper up with the following : Intro,Body 1, Body 2,Body 3, Body 4, Body 5, and Body 6. I will probaly included extra supporting paragraphs including facts about my research topic. I could use time transition words. I could put everything in time order beginning when Ellison was born until the day that he died. I'm going to include facts mainly about Ellison's life and what he did as a writer and author. I will include support examples to strengthen my arguements and thesis. I will open with a strong thesis statement and end it with a strong conclusion. Also anything that is written word for word i will internally cite every fact. -Kristian Mcniss period 3
ReplyDeleteHow am I going to set up my research paper? I want to do it in a time line but in paragraph form. Each paragraph having information from his life and making sure it goes in order. Transitions words I could use is later on, next, then, and many more. Important facts that i have to remember is things from his childhood that made him successful.
ReplyDeleteJimmy strong
How am I going to set up my research paper? I want to do it in a time line but in paragraph form. Each paragraph having information from his life and making sure it goes in order. Transitions words I could use is later on, next, then, and many more. Important facts that i have to remember is things from his childhood that made him successful.
ReplyDeleteJimmy strong
I thought writing a research paper was going to be hard, but now that I have an organized way of doing it, it doesn’t seem so hard. I researched all the information I need for my paper. With that information I made an outline. An outline is the structure of your paper. Stating the supporting details, and supportive ideas, then explaining them. When we were little we learned transitions such as first, next, finally. Being in high school or college those transitions are not the best to use. Transitions like therefore, although, also and in conclusion are more mature and impressive. When writing a research paper make sure you have a thesis that you can easily express, explain and write about. Also NEVER talk about yourself in your paper. Lastly, make sure your paper has a nice flow and every idea is explained and are relevant to your topic.
ReplyDeleteDana Yangello
The way im going to set up my research paper is im going to first start it with a thesis sentence. Then im going to start my intro paragraph. after that im going to get all of my body paragraphs in to the paper. after that im going to finish up with my conclusion. the transition words i'm going to use are: also, first, after that. Spelling and grammer are some important facts to rember when writing the resarch paper.
ReplyDeleteI want to write my paper, in the order of his life. such as starting off with his childhood, and then leading up to how he got into the music inderstry. I AM NOT SURE IF I CAN USE TRANSITION WORDS. I would remember to use correct spelling.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Dobson
ReplyDeleteI am going to have my reasearch paper be in chronological order of Billie Holiday's entire life. I will begin with events while she was in her early childhood, and end with her deatha at age 44. Some transition words I will use include: also, again, besides, furthermore, but, still, and beside.
The women I’m doing my research paper on Nikki Giovanni. I'm going to set my research paper up by first putting a topic sentence which is basically explaining why I am writing this paper. Then a thesis statement which will be explaining why Nikki did what she did. After that I will give a brief explanation on her childhood and the struggles she went through to get where she is today. The body of my research paper will explain how her childhood affected her writing and her overall success. As my closing I will sum this entire paper up and connect it all to her famous poetry. Some transition words that I could possibly use would be something like also, again, as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly. Some important facts that I remember from my research would be her friend Emmet till that was murdered for flirting with a white women. Also she borrowed money to publish her first poem, simple stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteI am going to organize my paper according to his life events. I could use many different transition words including in his early life, later in life, next, then, finally, etc. It is important to write enough information that will fill the pages and to keep them organized. It is also important to make sure it properly cited according to MLA.
ReplyDeleteI am going to set up my research paper very simply. Starting with an intro, alot of facts, then a conclusion. I don't know what kind of transition words i could use at the moment. Some important facts to remember are, that it needs an intro, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
I'm setting my research paper up by starting it out with an introduction paragraph, following it with my supporting paragraphs and ending it with a conclusion paragraph. In my introduction paragraph i will state my main points and state my thesis. In the following paragraphs, my support paragraphs, I will support my thesis with multiple points and examples. In these support paragraphs I have to remember important facts such as to stay on topic which is supporting my thesis and tying my support paragraphs into my thesis. Also i will need to give specific examples and quotes throughout my essay to also help support my thesis. Some transition words i could use are "in addition," "moreover," "also," and "however."
ReplyDeleteDrew Burdsall
Words like Next, Then, After that, and Finally are commonly used transition words. I would use these, but maybe some others to spice up the sound a little more. Dates are good transition elements to use as well as as a result or that eventually led to could all spice up a paper. You have to remember format. MLA headings always get me. I always forget them. It's a long paper so try to put in as much detail as possible. Those are some format tools to remember as well as great transitions
ReplyDeleteDevon Hill
ReplyDeleteI am going to set up my research paper by using my outline and note cards. Learning more about my person, Sammy Davis Jr. is important as well. Some transition words I could use are; furthermore, additionally, moreover, and because. These words can blend your essay in more smoothly. Some important facts to remember while writting my final paper is to always stay on task. Also, use as much detail as possible and cite and quotes I use.
I will write my paper after reviewing my own rough draft. I would start by correcting grammar mistakes and then try to use more complex sentences to give my paper a little more pazzazz in my paper. Hopefully this will make it look good. Some transition words that I'll use would be since, during, although, even though, and until. These transition words are better than the average first, next, and after. Some important facts about your person that could be on the final paper could be their background information, what they did, and how they did it. Like my person, Toni Cade Bambara tried to spread the word of equality through many of her short stories that she wrote through her life.
ReplyDeleteThe way I'm going to set up my research paper is to start with my opening paragraph, which will consist of my background info on my person, Tupac, also it will have some subjects that support my thesis. After that I will have 3 or 4 paragraphs explaining my supporting reasons. Finally I will have a closing paragraph which somes up my paper and restates my thesis. Some transition words I can use would be more over, furthermore, next, also, and finally. One important things I will do are making sure I use MLA format throught the essay and properly cite quotes and paraphrasing.
ReplyDeleteWhen i set up my research paper im going to have a good opening paragragh and alot of transition words. such as, also, furthermore, lastly, next etc. when your writing a final paper, you want to remember to include all of the supporting details for your topic. If you go off topic, then you will not have a good final paper. That is not a good way to write any paper in the first place. You want to put as much detail into your final paper as possible. Make sure to state your opinion and give resons on why and why you didn't choose something or why or why not you liked it or not. You want to include all the information on all of the research you did for the person that you got chosen to do. -Jeff Ritter
ReplyDeleteThe way I'm going to set uo my research paper is by looking at my outline. Also I would look at my notecards and work of my rough draft. Some of the transitions words I may are in addition, likewise and also. Some of the other words are next, first and also lastly. Some of the facts I would use is how she was in the civil rights movement. Another fact is how she had a good career even with her bad childhood.
ReplyDeleteI would set up my research paper by having a title , a strong opening ,a thesis statement that will support my reasons. After that I will talk about the early life of my person I researched on and have two important paragraphs and how it effect he or she latter in life, then talk about the work of my person and what he or she did and number them as I go along. Then I will talk about thier later years of life then thier death. Also including life after. My person my conclusion and reinterated my thesis and have my last two points. Vc
ReplyDeleteWell im going to use MLA format and base it off my rough draft. Some transition words i could use are words that connect the reader to the story. Some important facts are to explain him very well. Also you wanna talk about the career's my character had. When i set up my research paper I wanna do it right. My story is going to be good.
I am going to set up my paper mla format. I'm going to set it up like you showed us how to do.Theres lots of transition words that are going to be in my paper.Some important facts to remember facts are that he never played in raciest places.He smoked four cigarettes thinking that he would have a deeper voice.
ReplyDeleteSven Gronvold
I am going to use many transition words such as also,more over and etc.I am gonna set my research paper up to help me support my mains supports towards the thesis first.Some facts to remeber are always use mla format.Secondly you have to always relater towards your thesis.Also, never get off topic. THis is what i would put in my paper
ReplyDeleteI'm going to set up my research paper in regular MLA format. I will have my intro then have all my body paragraphs and supporting deatils in my pararaphs. Then, i will do my conclusion. I will use the transition, moreover, then, next, after, therfore, in conclusion, and For example. Some important facts to remember when writing a final paper is to make sure citing so you don't palqurize. Finally, you should be simple and consice and not just have paragraphs to make it longer. You only need the important facts that support you theis.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to set up my research paper by saying important facts about her childhood. Some transition words I may use: also, therefore, moreover, and in addition. There are many important facts to remember when writing my final paper. One very important fact is to stay on topic and connect my writing to my thesis. Another thing to keep in mind is to use my transition words appropriately and make my paper flow. Also, I should remember all the key facts I need to put in my paper.
ReplyDeleteShawn Krough
I will set up my research paper in MLA format and I will explain that colors showing throughout the poem. Some transitions I could use are "therefore, also, in addition, and moreover." Some important facts include, always tie back to your thesis and stay on topic. Also, including quotes and citing sources correctly.
ReplyDeleteChelsea simpkins
I will set up my research paper in MLA format and i will explain every detail about the person i did my research on. I will use plenty of transitions. Such as, First, Furthermore, Also, Next etc. I will be sure to stay on topic and don't drift off into space. I will make sure to use plenty of quotes and make sure i cite everything correctly.-Jeff Ritter