Monday, December 12, 2011

Japanese Poetry

Discuss some of the similar elements of Japanese poetry. (Haiku, Choka, and Tanka)  No quote needed.


  1. T.Tomlin

    Well japanese poetry was from the Tang Dynasty. It influenced many countries from Haiki, Choka, and Tanka. The main japanese poem that they use is Haiku because it expreses the felling both ways. Also, the elements of this is that they include syllables. I think syllables make poems more interesting because it explains things more fluently. The japanese mostly read poems.

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  3. Japanese poetry was from the Tang Dynasty. Those three forms of poetry (Haiku, Choka, and Tanka) influenced alot of people in different countries. Haiku is the main Japanese poetry form. One thing they all have in common is that the first 3 lines in all of them start 5,7,5.

  4. Japanese poetry such as Haiku, Choka and Tanka all share some characteristics in common. First off, they all have to follow certain formats on syllables, and the formats are similar as well. They are mostly consisted of 5 and 7 syllables that keep alternating. They all require a certain theme, maybe not so much on Haiku, but for Choka and Tanka they need a central theme. Haiku is more of a topic rather than a theme. Moreover, they all emphasize on images and descriptions, and they are organized in stanzas.

  5. After doing a few chinese poems this week ive noticed one very important element to all the poems. They each almost have regulations that make them unique from other types of poetry from around the world. Each type of poem has a format of syables that each must follow in order to make it the poem that it is. I feel that you can't be as creative as you want to be with these poems but if you want to be really creative don't make these poems. But in order to make a really unique chinese poem you have to be talented. That's what I really like about them.

    Jimmy strong

  6. Japanese poetry all have 5/7/5/7/7. The poems also include syllables. Also, They include stanzas to form the words instead of a straight paragragh all the way through.-Jeff Ritter

  7. Japanese poetry usually has you take an image and relate it to a theme. Usually the theme will have nothing to do directly with the image you have chosen but the goal of the poetry is to make the relation between the image and the theme. Also the poems like to use lines with 5 or 7 syllables.

  8. The simularaties in all the diffrent types of chinese poems (Haiku, Choka, and Tanka)are the amount of syllables. When writting any of the chinese poems you are limited on what you can write because you can only have a certain amount of syllables each line. I feel as if you cant use all of your imaginatin and thoughts as you could a regular poem. The reason i like these poems is because they a much diffrent then regular poems. There shorter and you have to use your mind to put whats on your mind in a few syllables so it really makes you think and thats why they all compare to eachother and differ from more reguglar types of poems

    -Spencer Sheppard :)

  9. The simularaties in the haiku, choka, and tanka is that they are repeat the same pattern. The haiku you can not use the thing your talking about int he poem. But all the other ones your aloud to use the word. When you get to the enovoy you have to make a theme about the topic

  10. The similarities in Chinese poems such as Haiku's Chokas Tankas are the syllables. You can't directly say what you want to say because you only have 5 or 7 syllables so you have to choose your syllables correctly in order to describe your topic whatever that may be. Also the different poems kind of build off of each other for example a haiku is the first stanza in a choka minus the extra 14 syllables. A Tanka is the last stanza of a choka. Another way that they are all similar is Japanese invented all these forms of poems.

  11. Japanese poetry was from the Tang Dynasty.Haiki, Choka, and Tanka these are all different types of poems.They compare things to othere thing or jkust to its self.These poems really try to print a vivid picture in your head.Also they haveline sceams as well like a hauki is 5 line then 7 lines then 5 lines.That iis about all i know'
    Alexx Shipley

  12. The three different kind of poems that we have been reading in class are the Haiku, Choka, and Tanka. These poems consist of 5 to 7 syllables per line. The poems range from one to three stanzas. Throughout the poem, the general point of the poem is to get a main theme across. The theme is a general rule that you can live by and it usually has to do with one of the major religons that are worshiped in their country. The poems talk about one specific thing without actually stating what it is. You describe it, but you don't actually say what it is. The poems are mainly used for expressing themes.

    Carly DiDonna

  13. Devon Hill.

    There are three different types of Japinese
    poems. The Haiku, Choka and Tanka. Each of these poems are the same lenth and have a different meaning. The lenth is 5/7/5/7/7 and this means that there are 5 syllabes one the first line, 7 on the next, and so forth. The poems each discribe a thing. For example, if you choose a flower, you break down in detail and talk about the flower in proper formant.

  14. In Japenese poetry, especially the Haikus, the Chokas and the Tankas there are similarities. The biggest similarity are their syllables. Each poem has lines that consist of a pattern of 5 and 7 line syllables. Also, these poems give a lot of meaning through such few words. They all focus on a specific theme and are usually described in the envoy such as in the Chokas and the Tankas. Most of the poems have great imagery and adjectives that help describe the theme.
    - Drew Burdsall

  15. There are three different types of Japanese poetry. Haiku, Choka, and Tanka are the three. They mostly consist of five to seven syllables. they switch ever time usually. They all have a general theme mostly. They are also put into stanzas. Those are some similar elements of Japanese poetry.

  16. The similarity in the Japanese poems, the Haiku, Choka, and Tonka is the pattern on syllables. They all have the pattern of five syllables in a line, then seven in the next, then five syllables again. The Haiku only consists of that pattern. The Choka has that pattern as its fisrt three lines then another two lines of seven syllables. Finally the tonka is the same as the Choka except it repeats those five lines in three or more stanzas.

  17. The Hiku, Choka and Tanka are all similar. They are all short Japenese poems. They also have lines with sylables of 5 and 7 only. Each poem has very descriptive words that have deep meanings. The theme is the most important part of the poems. All of them talk about one specific object or idea.

  18. In Japanese literature you have similar poetry. Haiku, Choka and Tanka are very similar. All three types of poetry follow the similar requirements when it comes to the 5/7 syllable sequence. Haikus pretty much start you off with the imagery of your idem. Choka continues describing but also introduces the theme that the item connects to. Then your Tanka expresses and talks more about your theme and adds a conclusion. All of these put together contributes to the feeling, emotion, and the sense you wanted to get across.

    Dana Yangello :)

  19. Sean Manogue

    They all u usually have to deal with emotions and thought.Since they are usually constricted by short they are, they make it so you have to read the symbolism in the text and think about it for a second. Not that its bad bad thing mind you, its just different from what people usually read. I can see though how its frustrating for people because I have a hard time finding what the author means.

  20. Will Federowic

    In class, we have discussed the Haiku, Choka, and the Tonka. All three are major forms of Japanese poems. Although none have to rhyme, the Haiku must be three line, no more, no less. It also must have a 5-7-5 syllable count for the lines. The Choka has 3 stanzas. The first three lines of the first stanza were our Haiku, but it doesn't have to be that way. The stanzas follow a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable rule. The final stanza will consist of the envoy, or theme as connected to life. The Tanka is a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable rule poem that is just an extention of an envoy.

  21. Some ways the Japanese poems Haiku, Choka and Tanka are similar because they express themes. They all share feelings you have about something that comes to mind. Another way they are the same is they have a five seven syllable patter through out all of them. Each of these poems connect to form a image they make it very vivid so you can try and connect each point. All of the Japanese poems are a good way to talk about your feelings about something. These poems can also be used to compare things to other things.
    *Cassaundra Uhland*

  22. Some characteristics of Japenese poetry are that they all use a 5,7,5 syllables format for thier poems. They all use imagry and certain words to describe and show the theme throught these literary devices. They all also all show some sort of them that is undrlining throught the the poem. It might teach a moral or it might just have a theme.

    Cody Dooley

  23. We've been discussing three different types of poems in class. The Haiku, Choka, and Tanka. These poems are alike because of the amount of syllables that you are have to use per each line. These poems also show the same topic. For example, we chose a topic in class. We had to write all three poems, and they all discussed the same subject. The Haiku, Choka, and Tanka all describe a theme.I think that is basically what you're supposed to understand from reading these poems.

  24. The Japanese poetry we learned this week was the Haiku, Choka, and Tanka. They are very similar because of their length. The Haiku and Tanka are very short which is one stanza. The Choka is the longest which consists of three stanzas. The poems have either five to seven syllables per line. Japanese poetry to me is overall easier and fun to read.

  25. The elements of japenese peotry all have some things in common.First,they all attempt to get the main theme across. For example, it could be rainbows and they would hint to it but not say the subject at first.They all consist of lines containing 5 to 7 sylabbles per line.They either have 1 to 3 stanzes.Also,it usally has something to do with the different religons worshiped in chinese poetry.The subject of the poems are usally used for expression a theme or something else.

  26. There are many simularities in japanese poetry. There are also many differences. A simularity would be they all use five to seven syllables per line. They also contain an image and a theme. The themes are usually a rule you live your life by. Many japanese lived by themes in Haiku's, Choka's, and Tanka's.
    Tyler Dawson

  27. All three of the Japanese poems, Haiku, Tanka, and Choka, limit the amount of syllables used in a line. They all limit the syllables to five or seven. The Japanese mostly use poems to express their feelings about nature and how something looks. Some elements that appear in Japanese poetry include: nature, beauty, love, and much more of that nature.

    Taylor Dobson

  28. In the Choka,Tanka and Haiku there are very similar aspects. First, Japanese poetry mainly grew during the Tang dynasty. Also, the pattern goes from five to seven to five syllables each line and depending on the poem in may have an extra seven syllables. Second, in most of these poems they have a general theme or idea there trying to get across. Such as on mine I choose fire and I was trying to say that fire is a bringer or life and death. But in these poems you don't just say what your talking about what your writing about you have to give describing words. Lastly, the main point of what the Japanese where getting across in my mind is that its quality not quantity in there writing.

    -Tristan ALEXANDER

  29. There are three types of poems we have discussed in Japenese Literature so far. They are the Haiku,Tanka and the Tonka. The Haiku is short and has three lines and 17 syllables. The Tanka is a little longer and has 5 to 7 syllables per line. The Choka is the longest one and has two to three stanzas and and Envoy or the central idea or theme of the poem. These are the three poems i have learned about in Japanese literature so far. -Kristian Mcniss Period 3 12-16-11

  30. The three different types of poams are Haiku, Choka, and Tanka.The haiku is short and meaningfull.While the choka is more long and it focus on the thing your righting about.The tanka is not very long but its really desriptive and it talks more about the thing you are writing.The three different are pretty much the same but one of them is longer and more desriptive then the others.

    Sven Gronvold

  31. Japanese poetry has similar elements. The Haiku, Choka, and Tanka are all based off of eachother. They are all poems with either 5 or 7 syllables per line. You have to pick a theme and you work with it for all three. Each time, your theme getting a little more in depth until the last one where in kind of becomes a moral. They are all very similar.

  32. The simularaties in all the diffrent types of chinese poems are the amount of syllables the contain in the stanzas of the poems. The poems have a lot of feeling in them, i like the fact that the poems have a lot of meaning, even though their are little poems, and they don't have a lot of words.

  33. Haiku, Choka, and Tanka are just 3 of the many types of Japanese poetry. The Haiku is 3 lines, containing 17 syllables. 5, 7 and 5.
    The Tanka also uses the 5/7 pattern, but can go on for however long the writer wants, and always ends with 2, 7 syllable lines.
    A choka follows the same pattern, but goes more in depth with the theme all 3 share.
